I blogged a couple weeks ago about my inability (needle-phobe) to check my sugar levels, as I've been ordered to by my doctor. Well.. I told you guys I'd be totally honest on here and... the honest truth is.. I don't think I'm even going to go back to that Dr.
Granted, he is kindof a quack to begin with and my fiance recently found an awesome Dr who I
really want to start seeing. But... it's also so I can dodge the whole bloodsugar thing. It's just
that bad. My bf said he was going to help me, but.. he recently lost his job and.. everything has been turned upside down around here.. and he isn't even freakin in town. Anyway...
I feel guilty they gave me the free kit and if/when I do go see this new Dr, I plan on giving the (unused) kit back to my old Dr. But, yes, I'm just that fucking chicken that.. I'm going to go to a new Dr all together to dodge this damn sugar testing/finger pricking thing.
Also though, I should mention.. on my last gyno appt (different Dr), she suggest I up my dosage of Metformin (instead of taking 500mg 1x a day, take it 2x a day). This alone could cause my blood sugar to not only not be problematic, but could even cause it to be too low. So.. I'm kindof not really worried about it??
The truth of the matter is, yes, I'm still.. in serious fuckin denial about even being diabetic. I just... refuse to believe it/accept it. And.. even if it is true (which it is), I'm in the very beginning stages, so.. I know there is still time to reverse it. My Dr looked @ me like I was crazy when I talked about reversing it (as if it weren't possible), but.. I've read articles and watched youtube videos, Mom's scene it on Dr Oz, etc...
It can be done.
I'm just working on losing weight; eating right.. exercising. I work out an average of 5x a week for an average of about 2 hours a day (swimming mostly) and am "dieting". It's too soon to say it's a "lifestyle change", rather than me simply trying to lose weight/get healthy (I think terms like that are so freakin trite and lame anyway), but.. none the less.. we'll just have to wait and see what happens.
I'm also prescribed Adipex, which if I was actually taking it, would help me shred pounds pretty fast, but.. I kinda hate taking it. It's basically just a speed appetite suppressant. Um... I don't really need an appetite suppressant. That's just something my
presumptuous Dr gave me. And every appt I go to that I don't lose weight.. he asks "so you're not losing any weight taking the Adipex?". ugh. Again.. I'd like to avoid that conversation as well come next month's appt, by just going to a different Dr anyway. Hopefully one that will give me a weight-loss pill that isn't fucking PhenPhen. What I would like is some type of fat burner, if such a thing exists. I know I've taken OTC fat burners before that worked, so.. I can't imagine them not having one in prescription form. My present Dr claims Adipex is the ONLY diet pill on the market. Um.. I kind of
highly doubt that. seriously.
But... I've gotta go swim now. I've only got 2 hours until closing time.